Table of Contents
Words are divided into different kinds or classes, called Parts of Speech, according to their use; that is, according to the work they do in the sentence.
[ ইংরেজি ভাষায় যত রকমের Word বা শব্দ আছে তাদের আট ভাগে ভাগ করা যায়। এদের প্রত্যেকটিকে Parts of Speech অর্থাৎ বাক্যাংশ বা পদ বলে। ]
The Parts of Speech are eight in number. They are –
- Noun ( বিশেষ্য )
- Pronoun ( সর্বনাম )
- Adjective ( বিশেষণ )
- Verb ( ক্রিয়া )
- Adverb ( ক্রিয়া বিশেষণ )
- Preposition ( সম্বন্ধসূচক অব্যয় )
- Conjunction ( সংযোজক অব্যয় )
- Interjection ( আবেগসূচক অব্যয় )
NOUN [ বিশেষ্য ]
Definition: Noun refers to a person, place, thing, or concept.
[ যে শব্দ বা পদ দ্বারা কোন ব্যক্তি, বস্তু বা স্থানের নাম বোঝানো হয় তাকে Noun বা বিশেষ্য পদ। অর্থাৎ, কোন নামবাচক পদকেই Noun বলে। ]
Examples: Tom, mon, man, woman, father, mother, boy, girl, nephew, niece, son, daughter, body, head, hair, eye, face, teeth, animal, bull, cow, dog, cat, flower, fruit, rose, lotus, mango, orange book, window, door, affection, anger, gift, beauty, day, night, teacher, etc.
Look at the sentences –
The flower is beautiful.
Ramesh is a student.
PRONOUN [ সর্বনাম ]
Definition: Pronoun replaces a noun or acts as a substitute (or antecedent) for a specific noun.
[ Noun বা বিশেষ্য পদের পরিবর্তে যে পদ ব্যবহার করা হয় তাকে Pronoun বা সর্বনাম পদ বলে। Pro = পরিবর্তে; Noun = বিশেষ্য]
Examples: we, me, us, my, our, mine, ours, myself, ourselves, you, your, yours, yourself, yourselves, he, she, him, her, his, himself, herself, it, itself, they, them, their, these, that, this, those, such, so, some, who, which, what, whom, etc.
Look at the sentences –
She is my sister.
I am 19 years old.
ADJECTIVE [ বিশেষণ ]
Definition: Adjective is a word used to modify or describe Nouns or Pronouns. ‘Adjective’ means adding.
[ যে সকল Word কোনো Noun বা Pronoun-এর দোষ, গুণ, সংখ্যা, অবস্থা, পরিমাপ, পরিমাণ, ইত্যাদি প্রকাশ করে তাদের Adjective বা বিশেষণ বলা হয়। ]
Examples: good, bad, honest, kind, beautiful, fat, hot, cold, old, bright, many, thin, blue, white, false, dark, rich, poor, glad, small, big, clean, dirty, clever, empty, dry, etc.
Look at the sentences –
The man is poor.
The mangoes are very sweet.
VERB [ ক্রিয়া ]
Definition: Verb describes an action or the act of being or having something.
[ যে সকল Word কোন কাজ করা বা হওয়া বোঝায় তাদের Verb বা ক্রিয়াপদ বলে। ]
Examples: see, run, sit, say, open, bring, sale, swim, speak, right, make, dance, look, give, walk, read, drink, close, break, buy, play, work, start, dig, write, push, etc.
Look at the sentences –
Let us play.
She can sing.
ADVERB [ ক্রিয়া–বিশেষণ ]
Definition: An Adverb adds information to a Verb, Adjective or another Adverb. It tells ‘how’, ‘when’, ‘where’ and ‘why’ an action is done.
[ যে সকল Wore কোন Verb বা Adjective বা অন্য কোন Adverb সম্বন্ধে আরও কিছু বলার জন্য ব্যবহৃত হয় তাদের Adverb বা ক্রিয়া বিশেষণ বলা হয়। ]
Examples: today, ago, late, always, daily, once, early, never, soon, tomorrow, have, far, near, inside, under, up, slowly, quickly, softly, probably, kindly, much, little, less, enough, most, once, twice, thrice, etc.
Look at the sentences –
She walks slowly.
He exercises daily.
PREPOSITION [ সম্বন্ধসূচক অব্যয় ]
Definition: A Preposition is a word that is placed before a Noun or Pronoun to show the relation of that Noun or Pronoun with any other word of the sentence.
[ যে সমস্ত Word কোন Noun বা Pronoun এর আগে বসে বাক্যের অন্য পদের সঙ্গে তাদের সম্বন্ধ স্থাপন করে তাদের Preposition বা সম্বন্ধসূচক অব্যয় বলে। ]
Examples: for, in, about, from, on, after, up, to, behind, down, with, by, of, before, over, behind, beside, since, etc.
Look at the sentences –
He fell on the floor.
We work by day, sleep at night.
CONJUNCTION [ সংযোজক অব্যয় ]
Definition: Conjunction connects thoughts. It joins words, phrases, or clauses.
[ যে সমস্ত Word একাধিক Word বা Sentence কে যুক্ত করে তাদের Conjunction বা সংযোজক অব্যয় বলে। ]
Examples: as, if, or, so, and, but, else, lest, till, than, still, though, either….or, neither….nor, because, etc.
Look at the sentences –
Tiya and Mini are best friends.
I am well but he is ill.
INTERJECTION [ আবেগসূচক অব্যয় ]
Definition: An Interjection expresses emotion: it throws some sudden feeling.
[ যে সব Word দ্বারা ঘৃণা, ভয়, বিষাদ, আনন্দ, দুঃখ, আবেগ, প্রভৃতি প্রকাশ পায় তাদেরকে Interjection বা আবেগসূচক অব্যয় বলে। ]
Examples: Ah, Aha, Alas, Hurrah, Ow, Hush, Oh, Bravo, Hallow, etc.
Look at the sentences –
Alas! The old man died.
Oh! It’s funny.
A. Identify the Parts of Speech of the underlined words:
- Tom went to market to buy books .
- He went to the market but did not buy new books.
- I liked him better than he likes me.
- A smart girl was dancing quickly .
- She eats apples in the morning daily.
- When he was sitting on the grass, a snake bit him.
- You caught him by his arm.
- A rich lady bought a beautiful necklace.
- Hurrah! I have passed the examination.
- The cat is sitting under the chair.
- Alas! I could not receive you.
- The body of the cage is made of iron.
- It is not your pen; it is hers.
- There is still some milk in the jug.
- Jimmy is performing his duties diligently.
- The drawing made by you is almost perfect.
- I shall not go unless you allow.
- The road is to go by.
- The flowers smell sweet.
- He frequently goes to the beach.
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Parts of Speech:
- _________ is a good boy.
- Ruma is his __________.
- We live in Kolkata. ________ is a big city.
- Pranay takes chocolates from ________ mother.
- Vidyasagar was a ________ man.
- Chillies are ________.
- The ________ boy came last.
- He _______ a song.
- She ________ across the Ganges.
- He has gone too _________.
- Talk to everyone _________.
- The dog came _________ me.
- The cup is _______ the table.
- I am poor ________ not greedy.
- _______! We win.