Class 9 All about a Dog - A. G. Gardiner

Class 9 English: All about a Dog – A. G. Gardiner

About the Author:

Alfred George Gardiner (1865-1946) was a British journalist and author. His essays, written under the pen-name, Alpha of the Plough, are highly regarded. His uniqueness lay in his ability to teach the basic truths of life in an easy and amusing manner. The Pillars of Society, Pebbles on the Shore, Many Furrows, and Leaves in the Wind are some of his well-known writings. In this text, which is an edited version of Gardiner’s essay of the same name, the author observes how a bus conductor makes a lady go up to the uncovered top of a double-decker bus on a freezing evening just because she is carrying a dog. While watching the incident and its reaction among other passengers, the author wonders whether rules should be tempered with goodwill in order to make them more humane.



It was a very cold night in winter. All passengers were eager to reach their destination as early as a double-decker bus. Two women and a man got on the bus. The younger woman was carrying a Pekinese dog. The conductor saw the “beady-eyed” dog when he came to collect their fares. The narrator could feel trouble, as he understood that the conductor was that kind of person, who had a general vague grievance about everything, especially against passengers who sat in his bus. It was because he shivered every time when the door was opened. The conductor started an argument with the lady, ordering her to take the dog out or go to the top of the bus. It was a bitterly cold night and the lady rejected to go to the top of the bus. The conductor pulled the bell to stop the bus. He told the lady that the bus would not move until the dog was brought out. He had the law on his side. The passengers started disliking the conductor for his rude and stubborn behaviour. Considering the cold weather condition, the other passengers of the bus argue to the conductor that they have no objection. They raised their voices, some wanted to call the police and some wanted their fare back.

Two or three passengers left the bus. A policeman came and the passengers started protesting. The policeman supported the conductor, as he was abiding by the rule. The bus was emptying. At last, the lady agreed to go to the top of the bus. The conductor pulled the bell and the bus started. Though it was his triumph, he was criticized by the passengers. Then there was engine trouble occurred and the conductor went to help the driver. In the meantime, the lady re-entered the bus. The conductor came back when the problem was solved and then he saw the dog and again the bus stopped. The lady again went to the top of the bus after denying.

Soon the bus was empty and the narrator was the last passenger. The conductor tried to justify himself to the narrator. The narrator advised the conductor that rules should be modified according to the circumstances and goodwill. Rules are created for comfort to people but should not cause trouble to the people. That is the spirit of a rule. So, the rules and regulations are not the most needed thing in our society but their application with human welfare. Here the story ‘All about a Dog’ by Gardiner that arise some questions related to our society and social rules and regulations.

[ শীতের খুব ঠান্ডা রাত ছিল। সমস্ত যাত্রী একটি ডাবল ডেকার বাসে তাড়াতাড়ি তাদের গন্তব্যে পৌঁছানোর জন্য আগ্রহী ছিল।  দুই নারী এবং একজন লোক বাসে উঠল।  তরুণী একটি পেকিনিস কুকুর বহন করছিলেন। কন্ডাক্টর ছোটো চোখের কুকুরটিকে দেখেছিল, যখন সে তাদের ভাড়া আদায় করতে এসেছিল।  বর্ণনাকারী একটি সমস্যা অনুভব করতে পারলেন, কারণ তিনি বুঝতে পেরেছিলেন যে কন্ডাক্টর এমন একজন ব্যক্তি, যার সবকিছু সম্পর্কে একটি সাধারণ অস্পষ্ট অভিযোগ ছিল, বিশেষ করে তার বাসে বসে থাকা যাত্রীদের বিরুদ্ধে।  কারণ প্রতিবার দরজা খোলার সময়ই সে কেঁপে উঠত।  কন্ডাক্টর ভদ্রমহিলার সাথে তর্ক শুরু করে, কুকুরটিকে বাইরে নিয়ে যেতে বা বাসের উপরে যেতে নির্দেশ দেয়।  এটি একটি তীব্র ঠান্ডা রাত ছিল এবং ভদ্রমহিলা বাসের শীর্ষে যেতে প্রত্যাখ্যান করেছিলেন।  কন্ডাক্টর বাস থামানোর জন্য বেল টেনে দিল।  তিনি ভদ্রমহিলাকে বলেছিলেন যে কুকুরটিকে বের না করা পর্যন্ত বাস চলাচল করবে না।  আইন তার পক্ষে ছিল।  যাত্রীরা তার অভদ্র এবং একগুঁয়ে আচরণের জন্য কন্ডাক্টরকে অপছন্দ করতে শুরু করে।  ঠাণ্ডা আবহাওয়ার কথা বিবেচনা করে বাসের অন্য যাত্রীরা কন্ডাক্টরের কাছে তাদের কোনো আপত্তি নেই বলে যুক্তি দেন।  তারা তাদের আওয়াজ তুলেছিল, কেউ পুলিশকে ডাকতে চায় এবং কেউ তাদের ভাড়া ফেরত চায়।

বাস থেকে দু-তিনজন যাত্রী চলে গেল।  একজন পুলিশ এসেছিল, যাত্রীরা বিক্ষোভ শুরু করে।  পুলিশ কন্ডাক্টরকে সমর্থন করেছিলেন, কারণ তিনি নিয়ম মেনে চলেছিলেন।  বাস খালি হচ্ছিল।  অবশেষে ভদ্রমহিলা বাসের উপরে যেতে রাজি হলেন।  কন্ডাক্টর বেল টেনে বাস স্টার্ট দিল।  যদিও এটি তার জয়লাভ, তবে যাত্রীদের দ্বারা তিনি সমালোচিত হয়েছেন।

তারপর ইঞ্জিনে সমস্যা দেখা দেয় এবং কন্ডাক্টর ড্রাইভারকে সাহায্য করতে যায়।  এর মধ্যে ভদ্রমহিলা আবার বাসে উঠলেন।  সমস্যার সমাধান হলে কন্ডাক্টর ফিরে আসেন এবং তারপর তিনি কুকুরটিকে দেখেন এবং আবার বাস থামল।  ভদ্রমহিলা আবার বাসের উপরে গেলেন অস্বীকার করার পর।

শীঘ্রই বাস খালি হয়ে গেল এবং বর্ণনাকারীই শেষ যাত্রী। কন্ডাক্টর নিজেকে বর্ণনাকারীর কাছে ন্যায্য প্রমাণ করার চেষ্টা করলেন।  বর্ণনাকারী কন্ডাক্টরকে পরামর্শ দিয়েছিলেন যে পরিস্থিতি এবং সদিচ্ছা অনুসারে নিয়মগুলি পরিবর্তন করা উচিত।  বিধিগুলি মানুষের স্বাচ্ছন্দ্যের জন্য তৈরি করা হয় তবে জনগণকে কষ্ট দেওয়া উচিত নয়।  এটাই নিয়মের চেতনা।  সুতরাং, নিয়ম-কানুন আমাদের সমাজে সবচেয়ে প্রয়োজনীয় জিনিস নয়, মানব কল্যাণে এর প্রয়োগ প্রয়োজনীয়। এখানে গার্ডিনারের ‘অল অ্যাবাউট এ ডগ’ ​​গল্পটি আমাদের সমাজ এবং সামাজিক নিয়ম-কানুন সম্পর্কিত কিছু প্রশ্নের জন্ম দেয়। ]


Word Notes

Bitterly : তিক্তভাবে
Vacant : খালি
Pekinese dog : সমতল মুখ এবং লম্বা, নরম পশমযুক্ত একটি ছোট কুকুর
Fares : ভাড়া
Beady- eyed : ছোট চোখ
Opportunity : সুযোগ
Intended : লক্ষ্য, অভিপ্রেত
Vague : অস্পষ্ট
Grievance : অভিযোগ
Shivered : কাঁপানো
Certainly : নিশ্চয়ই
Companion :  সঙ্গী
Until : এই পর্যন্ত
Brought out : বের করে আনা
Pavement : ফুটপাথ
Triumph :  বিজয়
Dim lights : আবছা আলো
Unconscious : অজ্ঞান
Trouble : সমস্যা
Disappeared : অদৃশ্য
Strolled up : হাঁটতে হাঁটতে উঠে গেল
Indignant : রাগান্বিত
Protests : প্রতিবাদ
Appeals : আবেদন
Genially : আনন্দদায়কভাবে, ভালোভাবে
To and fro : ইতস্তত
Victory : বিজয়
Gale : ঝড়
Vanished : বিলুপ্ত, উধাও
Emptying : খালি করা
Stairs : সিঁড়ি
Meanwhile : এদিকে
Struggle : সংগ্রাম
Declared : ঘোষিত
Justify : ন্যায্যতা
Rules : নিয়ম
Spirit : আত্মা
Comfort : আরাম
Good will : ভালো ইচ্ছা
Quite : বেশ
Amiably : বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণভাবে


Exercise 1

Tick the correct answer from the given alternatives:

1. The younger woman carried a little
(a) spaniel  (b) bull dog  (c) Pekinese dog  (d) spitz

Ans: (c) Pekinese dog

2. The younger woman was suffering from
(a) stomach pain (b) back pain  (c) fever  (d) cough

Ans: (d) cough

3. The bell was pulled by the
(a) conductor  (b) driver  (c) younger woman  (d) older woman

Ans: (a) conductor

4. The number of policemen to whom the woman expressed her anger was
(a) Three (b) four (c) five (d) six

Ans: (a) three

5. The problem the bus faced was with the
(a) tyre  (b) engine  (c) brake  (d) horn

Ans: (b) engine


Exercise 2

• Answer the following questions within fifteen words:

1. How many people got on the bus with the younger woman?

Ans. Two people – one man and one lady got into the bus with the younger woman.

2. What was the conductor’s order to the younger woman?

Ans. The conductor ordered the younger woman to take the Pekinese dog out which was carried by the woman.

3. Why did the conductor stand triumphant?

Ans. The conductor stood triumphant because he ordered the woman to take them out and he also made the woman take her dog out maintaining the rule.

4. What is that rule which cannot be broken without danger to life and limb?

Ans. The “rule of the road” cannot be broken without danger to life and limb.


Exercise 3

• Answer the following question within twenty-five words:

(1) When did the author feel that trouble was coming up?

Ans: The author was travelling in a bus where a young lady boarded with a dog. It was against the law. When the conductor noticed the dog, the author felt that trouble was coming up.

(2) Mention two demands made by the passengers when the bus stopped.

Ans: When the bus stopped, the passengers demanded their fares back and they wanted to lodge a report against the bus conductor to the police.

(3) How are rules of guidance to be observed?

Ans: The rules of guidance should be observed in the spirit, not in the letter with a little goodwill and good temper.


Exercise 4

• In the following sentences, underline the verb forms which show that the person denoted by the subject does something. Circle the verb forms which show that something is done to the subject:

(a) She has sung a song.

Ans: She has sung (underline) a song.

(b) A song has been sung by her.

Ans: A song has been sung (circle) by her.

(c) He will draw a picture.

Ans: He will draw (underline) a picture.

(d) A picture will be drawn by him.

Ans: A picture will be drawn (circle) by him.


Exercise 5

• Change the voice of the following sentence :

(a) Nila has bought a book.

Ans: A book has been bought by Nila.

(b) They will have seen the cricket match.

Ans: The cricket match will have been seen by them.

(c) Bhola had seen a tiger.

Ans: A tiger had been seen by Bhola.

(d) The nurse will attend to the patient.

Ans: The patient will be attended by the nurse.


Exercise 6

• Change the voice of the following sentence:

(a) Do the sum.

Ans: Let the sum be done.

(b) The poem was written by her.

Ans: She wrote the poem.

(c) Open the door.

Ans: Let the door be opened.

(d) The man is known to me.

Ans: I know the man.


Exercise 7

Change the voice of the following sentences:

(a) They agreed to my plan.

Ans– My plan was agreed to by them.

(b) My brother lost my favourite pen.

Ans– My favourite pen was lost by my brother.

(c) The man is writing a letter.

Ans– A letter is being written by the man.

(d) Titli is looking for her watch.

Ans– Her watch is being looked for by Titli.


Exercise 8

Tick the correct alternative given in the brackets:

(a) It (rains / has been raining/ is raining) since morning.

Ans- is

(b) Last Sunday l (went/had been going/go) to the zoo.

Ans- went

(c) I (wil be / was /am) in class X next year.

Ans- will be

(d) Rina (have reached/had reached/has reached) home just now.

Ans- has reached


Exercise 9

Use the following flow chart to write a paragraph within 100 words on how to prepare orange juice:

oranges bought from the market – sorted – rotten ones removed – cleaned – peeled – put in a juicer – juice extracted – sugar and preservatives added – poured in bottles – sealed – ready to be sold


Preparing Orange Juice

Orange juice is really a very nutritious and refreshing healthy drink. It is very easy to make. We can prepare orange juice using the following steps. First, ripe oranges are bought from the market. Then the rotten ones are sorted and removed. After that, the good oranges are washed and cleaned properly. Then, the good oranges are put in a juicer after peeling. After that, these are crushed in order to extract the juice. Then, the seeds are strained with a piece of cloth. Next, sugar and syrup are mixed with the juice. After that, the juice is poured into sterilized bottles. Next, the bottles are sealed and labelled. Then, the bottles are put into boxes. Now, fresh orange juice is ready. Finally, The boxes are despatched to the market for sale.

(Words: 131)


Exercise 10

• Write a paragraph within 100 words on how you plan to take care of street dogs. Use the following hints:

cruel actions towards street dogs – the necessity of looking after them – ways of taking care of the dogs – conclusion


The lives of street dogs are miserable. They are being ill-treated every day. They are kicked or beaten wherever they go. They didn’t get enough food. So they starve and become thin. They don’t have any shelter. They sleep wherever they find a place to lie. Some street dogs are killed because they spread diseases or when they turn mad and bite people. Actually, dogs are meek, loyal animals. They bite only when they are teased and bound to. Other than being a nuisance and disturbing, they guard the locality against theft and other hazards. Only a little care, compassionate attitude, sufficient food and a nook can make them true friends to human society. If people see any street dog is suffering from any kind of injuries or diseases they should immediately contact the animal care centres. Also, the government should give strong punishments so that the people will fear before taking any cruel action against the street dogs.



Extra Questions

• Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives:

1. The night was
a) hot   b) cold  c) very cold  d) moderate

Ans: c) very cold

2. The eyes of the Pekinese dog were like
a) marble  b) square boxes  c) dots  d) beads

Ans: d) beads

3. The conductor had a general grievance against
a) women  b) passengers  c) the dog  d) the driver

Ans: b) passengers

4. The last passenger was
a) the woman  b) the narrator himself  c) the woman’s companions  d) none of these

Ans: b) the narrator himself

5. The lady got support from
a) her companions  b) the driver  c) all the passengers  d) no one

Ans: c) all the passengers

• Answer the following questions within fifteen words:

1. Who filled the vacant seats of the bus?

Ans. The two women and a man who boarded the bus together filled the vacant seats of the bus.

2. Where did the eyes of the bus conductor rest?

Ans. The eyes of the bus conductor rested on the small-eyed Pekinese dog which the younger lady had taken with her.

3. “That’s my order”-who ordered and to whom? What was the order?

Ans. The bus conductor ordered the younger woman passenger with a dog. He ordered the lady to take the dog out of the running bus as it was against the rule.

4. Why did the policeman stroll up?

Ans. The policeman strolled up to look at the door of the bus to know about what was going on.

5. Who threatened the bus conductor?

Ans. A woman, one of the troubled passengers in the bus threatened the bus conductor for his inhuman misbehaviour.

6. Who is the author of the story “All About a Dog”?

Ans. A. G. Gardiner is the author of the story “All About a Dog”.

7. Why was the conductor angry particularly?

Ans: The conductor was particularly angry with passengers who came and sat in his bus while he shivered at the door.

8. How did the animal react to the problems caused by himself?

Ans: The little animal sat blinking at the dim lights, unconscious of the problems caused by himself.

About The Author

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